Dishwasher Loading : The Best Practices

Kitchen Solution

Dishwasher Loading : The Best Practices

By IFB | September 30, 2022

After spending a whole lot of time researching the pros and cons of automated Dishwashing, it is important to highlight the optimal loading of your plates, Kadhais, forks, knives etc all into the Dishwasher. Here’s a checklist.

1. Understand it better

Spend some time understanding the Dishwasher mechanism, i.e. know well where the swiveling sprayer arms are located, how many tiers are there, location of the trays, the different program cycles etc. It is imperative one studies the Owner’s manual simultaneously with the visual inspection


2. No Pre-Rinsing

It is unnecessary pre-rinsing dishes before putting them in the Dishwasher. Just scrape off leftover food. Please understand Dishwasher detergent works by attaching to the food particles. The cycle will be less effective if there is nothing for the soap to grab onto. Furthermore, the sensors that check the amount of water needed and set the cleaning cycle time often generate a lighter wash if there’s nothing much to detect. This results in dishes not getting cleaned to satisfaction. The only time pre-rinsing is called for is when utensils are used for boiling milk, curd and rice. Some scraping is recommended only in these cases.


3. Clear Spray Arm

Before commencing the loading process make sure the sprayer arm is clear and there is no obstruction


4. Load from Back to Front

Plates should be loaded with the face plate inwards. If done otherwise, the water jets may not be able to reach the surfaces facing the wall

load from back to front


5. Randomness

It is better to mix up distribution of silverware in the basket, i.e. it is actually smarter to mix up spoons, forks and knives and place some up, some down to reduce nesting into each other. Essentially, this allows each piece to be exposed and cleaned.


6. Delicates on Top Tier

As the water pressure is a tad lower higher up and the water temperature isn’t as hot, fragile materials are unlikely to encounter any breakage inducing pressure.


7. Don’t Overload

Avoid overloading. No harm doing dishes in batches. Overstuffing often results in uneven distribution of jet spray action.


8. Shake Test

Gently give the top rack a shake and ensure all glassware are placed properly.


9. Detergent Quantity

Use the right amount of detergent and avoid putting too much. This will maintain the shine of your utensils.


10. Lemon Dishwasher Freshner

Use lemon dishwasher freshner. This can be hooked up to the top basket tray at the back. Not only will the dishes smell good, unsweetened citric acid combines with the hot water to further loosen up every grungy spot.


post steam drying

11. Drying the Dishes

Post steam drying, leave them in the washer for some time for the heat to subside and dry them completely. Thereafter, remove the dishes and put them in an open dish basket for some time before setting them in their respective places in the cupboard.


12. Dry up the dishwasher

Finally, keep the Dishwasher door open for some time. This allows the interior to dry up and prevents any microbial growth.

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